We at CISPA strive to offer scientists, along with their partners and families a pleasant and friendly environment. Find out what we can offer you!

PhD Positions
PhD Student

Pursue your doctoral degree at CISPA under excellent conditions and become a part of the Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science.

Apply now!
PostDoc Positions

Work on exciting and challenging research projects in one of our many research groups.

More details
Faculty Jobs

Become a tenure-track faculty and follow your research project, with your own well-endowed research group.

See the benefits
Summer School
Summer School

The next Summer School is on System Security, with one week of talks, workshops and a poster presentation of your work.

Details & Pre-Registration
PhD / PostDoc Positions
Master Cybersecurity

Want to be prepared for a career in research and industry? Interested in combining studying with a start-up project? Check out our programs.

Young Researcher
Young Researcher Internship

If you are interest in doing a voluntary research internship during your course of study, you can do so at CISPA.

This program will be returning soon.